


Why do I need to follow the YSM brand when making posters?

Our goal is to keep all marketing flyers, posters and other materials consistent across all of the many YSM programs and services, both internal and external. This helps YSM be visually recognizable, builds trust with the community and our partners, and shows that YSM is a professional organization.


Why does philanthropy care what my poster looks like?

Consistency in brand helps build trust and authority. If one community member or partner sees posters or flyers from Computer Lab, Bridges and Evergreen – they will easily recognize them to be part of YSM and understand YSM has many programs available.


Can I use pictures I found through a Google search?

No, photos or illustrations found by searching Google may be subject to copyright. Please use YSM photography or one of the listed resources for royalty-free images. There is a list of these websites here.


Can I use Canva to design things?

Yes! Our templates are now in Canva! See templates here.

Ensure that you follow the brand guidelines when working in Canva or any other program.